Here's my promised review of the digital antenna I use. It's the Antennas Direct model #C2-V-CJM.
So here'e my opinion. I've been using this antenna in conjunction with my SkystreamX box to completely replace my cable and saving big $$$!
First let me explain how I use this antenna. It is an external antenna, meaning you install this product on the outside of your house preferably on the roof. It has a mount that is similar to a satellite dish, and is easily mounted on your roof with included installation hardware, including leak stopping washers. The only thing you'll need to purchase is a co-axial cable long enough to reach the point at which your cable provider's main cable from the pole connects and a barrel connector. And this is the best part! Once you disconnect your cable and you've mounted your antenna, you tie into the main cable line that goes into your house and will essentially feed all your TV's with this one antenna!
It also includes a link to a website that will tell you exactly which direction to point your antenna to receive the maximum amount of channels.
Most of your local TV stations already broadcast in HD and in my opinion, the picture quality is better than that through cable. You'll receive stations you never knew existed and you might enjoy also. And the best part of it is, you pay a one time equipment fee and all your channels are free, of which I currently get about 40! And NO ONE can shut you off, period! Screw you, Comcast!!!
Now, my overall opinion on this Antenna would be "Exceptional"! I found it easy to set-up and install! It pulls in plenty of stations, most in crystal clear HD and the instructions were clear and easy to follow. For $99 it's a steal considering the free TV programming you'll be watching!
Check back in a few days for my review of the SkystreamX! Which is the heart and soul of my cable cutting experience!
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